Prepared meals machinery and prepared meals equipment
The company Barsso nv is specialised in prepared meals machinery and prepared meals equipment for the further processing of meat, meats, fish and poultry.
The machines mentioned in our weekly updated stock list are in stock in our 5.000 m² warehouse in Zwevegem Belgium.
You can reach us every working day by phone between 8.30 am and 17.00 pm on +3256773350 or by fax +3256773433 or e-mail Please mention company name, full address, phone and faxnumber.
For written offers, more details or requests, please contact Peter Vermeersch, office manager. (speaks Dutch, Français, Deutsch and english)
if you are a food machinery dealer or if you want more specific technical details such as : ´is machine X suitable for product Y ?´, please contact Joost Dheedene, owner and general manager.
6 -
8550 Zwevegem - Belgium
Tel. : +32 56 77.33.50
: +32 56 77.34.33
E-mail :